What is Dixel Club?

Imagine a Shopify for Non-Fungible Token projects based on pixel art illustrations. By using Dixel Club, ANYONE can:

  1. launch their own pixel art NFT collection with its own design and description, and

  2. mint various colour editions of the collections.

1. Launch a pixel art NFT collection

Have you ever imagined launching your own NFT collection and gathering NFT holders? As an artist, a community founder, a membership operator, an influencer, or even a normal person, you may want to create your unique NFT world.

In Dixel Club, there's no need to worry about coding, managing smart contracts, funding, or designing the art. Anyone can launch their pixel art NFT collection without any complications.

Also, the 24 x 24 pixel art canvas enables you to easily design your own art collection and make them more authentically pleasing.

You can set the collection details such as name, symbol and description, and set the minting conditions like max cap, minting cost, whitelisted-only, etc. If you set the minting cost, other users who mint the edition of your collection will pay the minting cost and send it directly to your wallet. In this way, you can easily raise funds to run your NFT project.

Check out the Creator's Guide to learn more details about the launch of NFT collection via Dixel Club.

Creator's Guide

2. Mint a pixel NFT with colour customisation

You can be a collector by minting a limited pixel NFT edition on Dixel Club. Unlike the random minting of typical NFTs, you can get a distinctive pixel NFT with your own colour preference. On each collection page, you can try the colour variations right away and try to mint NFT editions you like.

Check out the Collector's Guide to learn more details about the NFT minting via Dixel Club.

Collector's Guide

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