Welcome to Dixel Club 🤗

Dixel Club is a multi-chain NFT launching platform where people can create a pixel-colourful NFT project in minutes. You design a genesis edition on a 24x24 pixel canvas and other users can mint various colour editions following the genesis edition.

Contract Addresses (Main net)


BNB Chain



  • DixelClubV2Factory: 0x31B8eb1d3DcB2C333e5d70cAA022855ffdBD0fDA

  • DixelClubV2NFT (implementation): [0x258e69403866CE766A6Df866ca27C1e4B1C8Bde1

OKX Chain

  • DixelClubV2Factory: 0x82b91E6DEDE8B8acDADe2212983DF946CA695d1e

  • DixelClubV2NFT (implementation): 0x1f3Af095CDa17d63cad238358837321e95FC5915

Dixel NFT Academy Discord - https://discord.gg/nysPB9Tp89

Last updated